As we have mentioned in the previous article--SHENZHENAUDIO Rewards Program/Price Match Guides, we always offer 30-Day Lowest Price Guarantee for the products you purchased in our store.
Now with 11.11 shopping festival and Black Friday upon us, we will match all deals from right now until Dec 31th, 2020. That means there is another 30-day lowest price guarantee extension for all customers and you can enjoy worry-free shopping here.
All purchases from Oct 30th, 2020 onward will be covered under extra 30-day lowest price guarantee. If you make a purchase with us and find a better deal on other platforms before the end of 2020, simply reach out to Online Support or Email to, and our customer support team will match the price and refund you the difference immediately. So rip off your worries and click the excellent products you want.
By now there are lots of customers have created their own accounts in SHENZHENAUDIO and participated in our reward points program. You can earn points by completing actions listed in rewards tab. Just click on “Rewards” tab to see the list of activities available for you to take part. And whenever you wanna spend your reward points, click on “Rewards” tab and you will see the list of all discounts you can redeem your points for.
And also, we are always looking for ways to improve and listen to what our customers are saying. So we created a column where you can find and download the manuals and drivers for all the products we are on list, it will keep updating for all the latest versions of drivers and manuals. If you notice that the latest version is not listed in the column or you can't get the drivers you want, feel free to let us know.

In the wake of a massive three-day fire at the Nobeoka City factory of semiconductor producer Asahi Kasei Microsystems (AKM), pro-audio manufacturers around the globe are now facing anticipated shortages of crucial DAC chips used in their products. But we, now, have enough stock for the AKM products of following 2 months, we will prioritize your orders in SHENZHENAUDIO.
We strive to provide a pleasant purchasing experience for the awesome customers like yourself, in the mean time, we always value your feedback and always are interested in learning ways we can improve. If you have any ideas, thoughts, or suggestions, so please feel free to chat with our customer support team or send us a message directly at Thanks for choosing SHENZHENAUDIO.

10 Drivers, MOONDROP Psyche


MOONDROP Edge ANC Wireless Headphone Available